Dynamic Programming

Written by Diesire

Reading SAP docs, I’ve found CL_ABAP_DYN_PRG, an utility class for dynamic programming.


Method Name Description
CHECK_INT_VALUE Check whether the input is a valid integer (optional sign)
ESCAPE_QUOTES Escape single quotes
ESCAPE_QUOTES_STR Escape backquotes
QUOTE Put single quotes around the value and escape single quotes
QUOTE_STR Put backquotes around the value and escape backquotes
CHECK_COLUMN_NAME Check whether the input can be a column name
CHECK_VARIABLE_NAME Check whether the input can be a variable name
CHECK_TABLE_NAME_STR Check whether the input is a DB table name, check package
CHECK_TABLE_NAME_TAB Check whether the input is a DB table name, check package
CHECK_TABLE_OR_VIEW_NAME_STR Check whether input is DB table or view name, check package
CHECK_WHITELIST_STR Check whether the input is in a whitelist (string version)
CHECK_WHITELIST_TAB Check whether the input is in a whitelist (table version)
CHECK_TABLE_OR_VIEW_NAME_TAB Check whether input is DB table or view name, check package
ESCAPE_XSS_XML_HTML Escape XML/HTML string for XSS safety
ESCAPE_XSS_JAVASCRIPT Escape Javascript string for XSS safety
ESCAPE_XSS_CSS Escape Cascading Style Sheets string for XSS safety
ESCAPE_XSS_URL Escape URL string for XSS safety
CHECK_CHAR_LITERAL Check whether the input is a valid type c literal
CHECK_STRING_LITERAL Check whether the input is a valid type string literal

Handling of literal values in conditions

ESCAPE_QUOTES* and QUOTE* methods are useful to sanitize dynamic where clauses

Without proper input sanitization an SQL exception will raise

FORM sql_error.
    lv_where TYPE string VALUE `name1 = '$CITY'`. "Dynamic condition

  "Dirty input with invalid characters
  REPLACE '$CITY' IN lv_where WITH `O'Reilly`.
  "where clause: name1 = 'O'Reilly'

  TRY .
      FROM t001w
      WHERE (lv_where).
    CATCH cx_root.
      WRITE: / 'Dirty Query - SQL Error'.

Dirty Query - SQL Error

Or worse, there is an SQL Injection open door

FORM sql_injection.
    lv_where TYPE string VALUE `name1 = '$CITY'`. "Dynamic condition

  "Forged query to exploit an SQL Injection
  REPLACE '$CITY' IN lv_where WITH `' OR name1 <> '`.
  "where clause: name1 = ' ' OR name1 <> ''

  TRY .
      FROM t001w
      WHERE (lv_where).

      WRITE: / 'SQL Injection. Number of entries = ' , sy-dbcnt.
    CATCH cx_root.

SQL Injection. Number of entries = 127

This is really dangerous, we could be exposing sensible data. Input sanitization is mandatory

FORM sql_sanitized.
    lv_where TYPE string VALUE `name1 = '$CITY'`. "Dynamic condition

  "Sanitize input
  REPLACE '$CITY' IN lv_where WITH cl_abap_dyn_prg=>escape_quotes( `O'Reilly` ).
  "where clause: name1 = 'O''Reilly'

  TRY .
      FROM t001w
      WHERE (lv_where).

      WRITE: / 'Sanitized Query - OK. Number of entries = ' , sy-dbcnt.
    CATCH cx_root.

Sanitized Query - OK. Number of entries = 0

As expected, we have no results

Handling of column and variable names

CHECK_COLUMN*, CHECK_VARIABLE* and CHECK_TABLE* methods are used to check identifiers generated at runtime.


ESCAPE_XSS* methods are mandatory to avoid XSS injection in external resources

CHECK_INT*, CHECK_CHAR* and CHECK_STRING* are general purpose methods useful in some use cases

More info
