Param Hell

Written by Diesire

Loose typing and work with output parameters in function/method inner logic may be fatal

The Story

I was looking for a function to get month’s name from a date and I found HR_IN_GET_DATE_COMPONENTS.

Playing with `HR_IN_GET_DATE_COMPONENTS` in test mode

In test mode it looked good and I wrote something like this:

        idate                         = `20150101` 
        ltext                         = lv_month_name
        input_date_is_initial         = 1
        text_for_month_not_maintained = 2.

sy-subrc = 2

Oh, oh! In test mode I got ‘January’, but now I get a text_for_month_not_maintained exception.

Error * Error * Error = Success

I’ve debugged the code and found something weird

Calling `HR_IN_GET_DATE_COMPONENTS` without all params


  1. MONTH is defined as REFERENCE(MONTH) TYPE C in function header, without lenght, but in line 36 is used as a lenght 2 char.
  2. Use exporting params as working variables
  3. But the worst thing, related to problem #1, is that the type of the exporting params changes depending on which parameters are assigned

Call the function with all export params fixed the problem

        idate                         = `20150101` 
        day                           = lv_day 
        month                         = lv_month
        year                          = lv_year 
        ltext                         = lv_month_name
        input_date_is_initial         = 1
        text_for_month_not_maintained = 2.


Here, there are the same problems, but MONTH is supplied and now its type is CHAR2, so everything is OK

Calling `HR_IN_GET_DATE_COMPONENTS` with all export params


  • Don’t be lazy, proper typing is mandatory
    • If you try to avoid unnecesary casting before function/method calls you can loose typing but you MUST cast ASAP to a typed variable.
  • Don’t trust function test mode
    • In test mode, system is calling conversion routines under the hood
    • In test mode, all params are supplied and params type may be “not obvious” Function test mode with stange param type
  • Using paramas as working variables may be harmful
    • Clear exporting params ASAP
    • Use local variables instead params for inner logic. Proper typing may mitigate this, but think in params as initial/final state and bind intermediate states (inner logic) to local variables. In case of error or unexpected behavior, it’s safer maintain output params unpolluted